Statistique Canada
Symbole du gouvernement du Canada

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Profil de la population autochtone de 2006

Voir les données pour Île-du-Prince-Édouard ou

Choisir la première lettre du nom de la localité.
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Île-du-Prince-Édouard -

Divisions de recensement (DR)
Kings (DR)
Prince (DR)
Queens (DR)

Régions métropolitaines de recensement (RMR) / Agglomérations de recensement (AR)
Charlottetown (AR)
Summerside (AR)

Régions sociosanitaires (RS)
Kings County (RS)
Prince County (RS)
Queens County (RS)

Bandes indiennes / Régions inuites
Abegweit (Région de bande indienne)
Lennox Island (Région de bande indienne)

Subdivisions de recensement (SDR)
Abrams Village, Community (SDR)
Alberton, Town (SDR)
Bedeque, Community (SDR)
Borden-Carleton, Community (SDR)
Brackley, Community (SDR)
Breadalbane, Community (SDR)
Cardigan, Community (SDR)
Central Bedeque, Community (SDR)
Charlottetown, City (SDR)
Clyde River, Community (SDR)
Cornwall, Town (SDR)
Crapaud, Community (SDR)
Georgetown, Town (SDR)
Hunter River, Community (SDR)
Kensington, Town (SDR)
Kings, Royalty, Township and royalty (SDR)
Kinkora, Community (SDR)
Lennox Island 1, Réserve indienne (SDR)
Linkletter, Community (SDR)
Lot 1, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 2, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 3, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 4, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 5, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 6, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 7, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 8, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 9, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 10, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 11, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 12, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 13, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 14, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 15, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 16, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 17, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 18, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 19, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 20, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 21, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 22, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 23, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 24, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 25, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 26, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 27, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 28, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 29, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 30, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 31, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 33, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 34, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 35, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 36, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 37, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 38, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 39, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 40, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 41, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 42, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 43, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 44, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 45, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 46, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 47, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 48, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 49, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 50, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 51, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 52, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 53, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 54, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 55, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 56, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 57, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 58, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 59, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 60, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 61, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 62, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 63, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 64, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 65, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 66, Township and royalty (SDR)
Lot 67, Township and royalty (SDR)
Meadowbank, Community (SDR)
Miltonvale Park, Community (SDR)
Miminegash, Community (SDR)
Miscouche, Community (SDR)
Montague, Town (SDR)
Morell, Community (SDR)
Morell 2, Réserve indienne (SDR)
Mount Stewart, Community (SDR)
Murray Harbour, Community (SDR)
Murray River, Community (SDR)
North Rustico, Community (SDR)
O'Leary, Community (SDR)
Resort Mun. Stan.B.-Hope R.-Bayv.-Cavend.-N.Rust., Community (SDR)
Rocky Point 3, Réserve indienne (SDR)
Scotchfort 4, Réserve indienne (SDR)
Sherbrooke, Community (SDR)
Souris, Town (SDR)
St. Louis, Community (SDR)
St. Peters Bay, Community (SDR)
Stratford, Town (SDR)
Summerside, City (SDR)
Tignish, Community (SDR)
Tyne Valley, Community (SDR)
Union Road, Community (SDR)
Victoria, Community (SDR)
Warren Grove, Community (SDR)
Wellington, Community (SDR)
Winsloe South, Community (SDR)

Choisir une autre province ou territoire

Canada | Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador | Île-du-Prince-Édouard | Nouvelle-Écosse | Nouveau-Brunswick | Québec | Ontario | Manitoba | Saskatchewan | Alberta | Colombie-Britannique | Territoire du Yukon | Territoires du Nord-Ouest | Nunavut